(continued from Creditors)

General Ledger

Settings available under INI Maint> General Ledger are: (INI NAME, Per User/All, Data Type).

Most settings in this section relate to default GL Account details which Tourplan uses for automatic transaction postings. Why and how these accounts are used is discussed in the Accounts Training Guide–1. This section simply lists the accounts that are available to be set up. Each account setting has three components–BR = Branch, DP = Department and AC = Account. The GL Account Branch is the required value for the BR component; the GL Account Department is the required value for the DP component and the GL Account number is the required value for the AC component. The three components are listed as one in this section.


GLCLOSEDPERIOD (All Users, Period)

The General ledger closed accounting period.

This value is set when the systems is installed and should not be altered unless on the basis of support advice. Altering this setting can result in GL Account balances being incorrect.



The General ledger current accounting period.

This value is set when the systems is installed and should not be altered unless on the basis of support advice. Altering this setting can result in GL Account balances being incorrect.


GLLOCKEDPERIOD (All Users, Period)

The accounting period that the GL is locked for. This value denies the posting of subsidiary ledger (Debtors & Creditors) transactions into a period prior to and including the GLLOCKEDPERIOD.


The debtors unallocated cash account detail.

GL_CRBANK_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The default GL bank account used for creditor payments

GL_CRCONTROL_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The creditors GL control (Creditors) account detail.


The GL account detail for the Creditors Foreign Exchange variations account, after realisation.

GL_CRFOREX_AC/BR/DP (Per User, String)

The GL account detail for the Creditors Foreign Exchange variations account, before realisation.

GL_CRFUTCASH_AC/BR/DP (Per User, String)

The GL account detail for the creditors Future Cash account

GL_DRBANK_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The default GL bank account used for debtors receipts


The detail of the GL account used to post agents commission payments to.

GL_DRCONTROL_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The debtors GL control (Debtors) account detail.


The GL account detail for the Debtors Foreign Exchange variations account, after realisation.

GL_DRFOREX_AC/BR/DP (Per User, String)

The GL account detail for the Debtors Foreign Exchange variations account, before realisation.

GL_DRFUTCASH_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account detail for the debtors Future Cash account


This account is only used by the BSP/ARC import process to hold the debit posting for air tickets until the travel period becomes current.


The GL Account detail for an account that will specifically hold Tax on Agents commission on debtor invoices.

GL_EXPENSE_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The detail of the GL accounts that booking expenses are posted to.

GL_FUTCOMM_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The detail of the GL account used to post agents commission payments to when the revenue is Future.

GL_FUTEXPTAX_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account(s) that tax from creditors future expense transactions will post to. Only used when GL_POST_TAX_CURRENT = N.

GL_FUTEXP_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account(s) that creditors future expense transactions will post to.

GL_FUTREVTAX_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account(s) that tax from debtors future revenue transactions will post to. Only used when GL_POST_TAX_CURRENT = N.

GL_FUTREV_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account(s) that debtors future revenue transactions will post to.

GL_NEXT_JOURNAL (All Users, Number)

This setting can be used to enter a starting reference number for GL Journals. Used in conjunction with GL_NEXT_JOURNAL_PREFIX and GL_NEXT_JOURNAL_SUFFIX.


A predefined Journal Reference which will precede any value in GL_NEXT_JOURNAL.


A predefined Journal Reference which will follow any value in GL_NEXT_JOURNAL.

GL_POST_TAX_CURRENT (All Users, String)

The value in this setting will determine if tax is posted into the posting period or the transaction period.

GL_REVENUE_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The detail of the GL accounts that bookings revenue is posted to.

GL_SUSPENSE_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The detail of the account which is used to post transactions to when the requested GL Account is not found in the chart. Must be separate account not used for any other purpose.

GL_TAXIN_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account(s) that input tax (from creditors transactions) will post to.

GL_TAXOUT_AC/BR/DP (All Users, String)

The GL account(s) that output tax (from debtors transactions) will post to.

(continued in Internet)